Monday, August 14, 2017

The Alt-Right's War Against Women; RIP Heather Heyer

Liberals, progressives, and Democrats do NOT have any war against Christmas, no matter what the Republicans and fundamentalists say.  

Image Found at Variety  
But the Alt-Right, the white supremacists who marched with torchlights to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend of August 11-13, are definitely engaging in a disgusting, disturbing War Against Women that is just as vile, just as repulsive, as the racism and antisemitism that these people espouse.

Are there more White Supremacists?  Or are they just crawling out of the woodwork now?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Here's Page 1 of the Crazy Memo Written by Former NSC Staffer Rich Higgins

The Crazy Memo Written on the Government's Dime

The article at Foreign Policy magazine about this crazy memo,  the crazy far right memo which was written by a National Security Council staffer named Rich Higgins (on your and my dime as American taxpayers), was published by Foreign Policy magazine on Thursday, August 10th.  It rolled down my Facebook newsfeed yesterday; that is, Friday morning. 

Though Foreign Policy magazine published the whole memo Thursday, I found the format they used difficult to follow.  So I copied the 7 page memo to my blog one page at a time starting here, and I added a few paragraph breaks for readability.

(I will be adding pages 2 through 7 during the week.  This has become more important after this weekend's Nazi march in Virginia.) 

I've also listed links to other information and articles about this whole insanity and some of the people involved.  Those links are found below the copy of Page 1.

Why is this important?  

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