Sunday, November 18, 2018

The Story of a Refugee Family

I was browsing through my Facebook memories and I found the following, a fictionalized story about Syrian refugees, which I shared from another FB page back in 2015:
Copied from a post in Politics: Flying Spaghetti Monster Edition. (I assume this is a Facebook page.):  This is the reality of these refugees! It sickens me to hear people claiming to be Christian that would deny children, women, families shelter from the very evil we are trying to eradicate. Very few of the regular people are radicalized. With proper screening and care, the chances that any one of them is a terrorist is about the same as having someone on your own street that is radicalized. HomeGrown! What the Republicans are saying is just plain cruel and inhumane. 
Thoughts on refugees
by Faz Ali, written September 8, 2015

You’re 29 years old with a wife, two children and a job. You have enough money, and can afford a few nice things, and you live in a small house in the city.
Suddenly the political situation in your country changes and a few months later soldiers are gathered in front of your house. And in front of your neighbours’ houses.  They say that if you don’t fight for them, they will shoot you.  Your neighbour refuses. 
One shot. That’s it. 

Thursday, November 8, 2018

The White House is Using a Doctored Video of Acosta's Confrontation with Trump

Trump Kicks Out a Top White House Reporter

As most of you know, 
CNN reporter Jim Acosta (also one of Trump's strongest in-person critics) had his press credentials pulled after a confrontation with President Donald Trump at the White House press conference yesterday, Wednesday, November 7, 2018.

The White House claimed that he had "grabbed" a White House intern whose job it was to pass around the microphone that the various correspondents were using to ask questions of the President.  They then doubled down on this travesty by using a DOCTORED video that showed something that didn't happen.  

Let's remember why this type of intimidation can be very successful:  The White House only has to pull the credentials of one strong critic, in this case, Acosta, to affect everyone in that room.  We know these are tough reporters, but they don't want to lose access.  They may well dampen their questions, even subconsciously, just to stay a member of the White House Press Corps.  Press oversight will be lessened, even if none of us, including the reporters, realizes it.

And now Part II.. (after the photo):

Photo found at Politico HERE
I found the following on Twitter; it makes a good and very scary point: 
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