Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Republican Dogma in a Sentence: Movies, Booze, Women

American people, working people, people struggling to keep a roof over their head or to send their kids to school, are a tough bunch.

Workers, students waiting for a bus in January

A resilient bunch.  A ridiculously hard-working bunch.  No matter what Republicans try to tell you.  No matter how badly Senator Chuck Grassley (R-Iowa) tries to disparage them for spending too much money on "movies, booze, and women." (See the link.)

The Young...

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Favorite 2017 Election Memes:

Yes, the Democrats did very well last night, especially in Virginia and in New Jersey.  

Yes, people of color, LGBTQ people, women all did great yesterday.  

Yes, I do believe that these races are a harbinger of things to come in 2018 and perhaps even in deep red Alabama next month.  (I had written that Republicans needed to be running scared after they WON several Congressional races earlier this year because they won those races by surprisingly small margins.  My prediction was right, at least last night.  And let's remember that things have only gotten worse for the Republicans under Trump since.)

So I will celebrate today with a few memes that have come across my timeline in the last few hours.  Feel free to share, as I am cross-posting all of these on my Facebook pages 
Trump Watch Today and Molly Middle's America. (And please like one or both of my pages when you stop by!)  To share from this blog, just click on the pic, download to your computer or phone, and share from there.

And maybe I will treat myself to something chocolate-y later today!  Why not?
Stolen from a Facebook friend

Saturday, October 28, 2017

Is there a Clinton Uranium One Scandal? Links and more links

Four solid sources with links about the new, improved right-wing scandal.  (Yes, I'm engaging in sarcasm.)  Though I haven't included any links from right-leaning sites, some of the sites I have linked to do include links to places like Sean Hannity and the National Review. 

So why are the Republicans starting this investigation now, just as Mueller is starting to get indictments?  My comment about this whole mess:

"Uranium One will be the big shiny object. It's confusing and complicated enough to fool people into thinking it is a big thing."

Friday, October 27, 2017

Senator Dianne Feinstein Isn't Giving Up

Senator Dianne Feinstein sent Russia inquiries to White House, Facebook, Twitter, Politico reported earlier today.

Senator Dianne Feinstein found at Politico

Here's Feinstein's letter to Facebook (click to read)
Politico stated, "Feinstein sent five letters to key players, including one asking Facebook and Twitter for copies of advertising that Russian buyers aimed at the U.S."  Please click the above link to Politico for more information about this; please click the photo right above this read a copy of Feinstein's letter.

The Twitter Thread:

Senator Richard Blumenthal of Connecticut welcomed her overture with this Twitter thread found HERE and reproduced below:

"I welcome Sen. Feinstein's letters - A vital step in investigation of obstruction of justice and Russian interference. The Judiciary Committee has a unique oversight role concerning the Department of Justice & FBI - potential targets of obstruction and interference by the President and others. 

The White House should turn over documents related to Trump/Comey interactions as well as docs related to Kushner contacts with foreign nationals.

We call on Facebook and Twitter to provide additional information on ads connected to Russian entities with Kremlin ties.

The American people deserve the truth about any collusion, obstruction of justice, and related wrongdoing that may have taken place - now."

Friday, October 6, 2017

How the GOP Will Manage "Synthetic Repeal" of ObamaCare, ACA

"Synthetic Repeal" of the ACA?  They will try anything.

A Tweet thread about the GOP plans for health care posted by Andy Slavitt* Thursday afternoon, October 5.  He talks about "synthetic repeal" of the ACA since all of the other attempts to repeal it have not passed.  I did correct some of Andy's tweets for "regular" non-140 character limits, but there were a few things that I couldn't quite understand.

Who is Andy Slavitt?  Info and links at the bottom.
From Andy's Twitter feed

Andy writes: 

"I am leaving four intense days in DC and I now have a very different theory of what's going on in Health care.  I will tweet soon. Follow if interested.
3:37 PM - Thursday 5 Oct 2017

2/ The GOP is now trying to create what I call "synthetic repeal." Before I explain what that means let me tell you why this is happening.

Monday, August 14, 2017

The Alt-Right's War Against Women; RIP Heather Heyer

Liberals, progressives, and Democrats do NOT have any war against Christmas, no matter what the Republicans and fundamentalists say.  

Image Found at Variety  
But the Alt-Right, the white supremacists who marched with torchlights to protest the removal of the Robert E. Lee statue in Charlottesville, Virginia, over the weekend of August 11-13, are definitely engaging in a disgusting, disturbing War Against Women that is just as vile, just as repulsive, as the racism and antisemitism that these people espouse.

Are there more White Supremacists?  Or are they just crawling out of the woodwork now?

Saturday, August 12, 2017

Here's Page 1 of the Crazy Memo Written by Former NSC Staffer Rich Higgins

The Crazy Memo Written on the Government's Dime

The article at Foreign Policy magazine about this crazy memo,  the crazy far right memo which was written by a National Security Council staffer named Rich Higgins (on your and my dime as American taxpayers), was published by Foreign Policy magazine on Thursday, August 10th.  It rolled down my Facebook newsfeed yesterday; that is, Friday morning. 

Though Foreign Policy magazine published the whole memo Thursday, I found the format they used difficult to follow.  So I copied the 7 page memo to my blog one page at a time starting here, and I added a few paragraph breaks for readability.

(I will be adding pages 2 through 7 during the week.  This has become more important after this weekend's Nazi march in Virginia.) 

I've also listed links to other information and articles about this whole insanity and some of the people involved.  Those links are found below the copy of Page 1.

Why is this important?  

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

Add It Up and Weep, Trump and Republicans!

Enjoy your fun, Trumpsters!

Trump and his Republican allies are gloating about how well the Republicans did in the recent special elections.  They are busy trashing the Democrats and the Democratic candidates.

But here's the reality, which those who live in the alternate facts universe conveniently ignore:

The Democratic candidates in the four Congressional special elections this spring swung those 4 solid red districts an average of 18% in only five to seven months. Any Republican with an ounce of sense should be very concerned about 2018. Here's what happened:

  • Montana at large: The Republican Zimke won this seat by 15% in November. Gianforte (R) won this seat by only 6% last month. That's a 9% swing to the left.
  • Kansas 4th: The Republican Mike Pompeo won this seat by 32% in November. Estes (R) won this seat by only 7% in April 2017. That's a swing of 25% in 5 months.
  • South Carolina 5th: The Republican Mulvaney won this seat by 20% in November. Norman (R) won this seat by only 3% last night. That's a swing of 17%.
  • Georgia 6th: The Republican Price won this seat by 24% in November. Handel (R) won this seat by only 4% last night. That's a swing of 20%.

Lawyers, Guns, and Money: Apologies to Warren Zevon

The Shit has Hit the Fan!

Thanks to my friend Kathleen for the inspiration.  Just a few words changed here and there:

Saturday, June 17, 2017

Don't Politicize Tragedy! (Yes or No?)

In "The Echo Chamber of Extremism" at the Daily Beast, John Avlon writes: 

We’ve been playing a dangerous game in America. The more the rhetoric is ratcheted up, the more we increase the risk of an unhinged soul being darkly inspired to take action.
Picture of a victim of the Alexandria, VA, baseball shooter. 

Farther down in the article, Avlon writes:
"In the wake of a mass shooting—take the 2015 attack on a Planned Parenthood facility in Colorado Springs that killed three people and injured nine, for example—we’ve often been told not to politicize the tragedy by conservative groups.
Nonetheless, there were predictable attempts to politicize this attack from conservatives like Newt Gingrich and from the alt-right crowd, casting the shooter as somehow representative of Bernie Sanders or Democrats in an attempt to muddy the record of hate-fueled rhetoric in the past and claim moral equivalence if not moral superiority. Guilt by association is the glue of politics in 2017."
It's not that I really disagree with Avlon--

This was a horrible tragedy and my heart is with Representative Steve Scalise and the others who were hurt in this attack.

BUT Republicans favor policies that keep people without health insurance, take away their health insurance, and, therefore, they are policies that result in many more people, millions of people, with no healthcare. How many people have died and will die due to Republican policies?

BUT Republicans are against laws that may help stem the flow of gun violence. How many people have died and will die due to that Republican opposition?

BUT, over the last 40 years, Republicans have tended to favor war and warlike foreign policies resulting in military incursions into many foreign countries. The Dems have also led military incursions, but how many people have died far away from home under the Repubs vs. under the Dems? The numbers are out there.

BUT Republicans do favor economic policies that result in working, middle, and poor classes having less, therefore, dying earlier than wealthier people. And how many wound up dead from stress, suicide, or drug/alcohol use during the Republican-led Great Recession?   

No, Both Parties Are NOT The Same!
So this is not really a "Both parties are at fault because of partisanship" kind of thing. The baseball shooter was a left-wing nut, apparently a long-time loon, but perhaps we should politicize some of the insanity going on these days (even if we try not to policitize the baseball shooter rampage). And, first, I blame much of this insanity on Trumpsters, the alt-right, the right wing blogosphere.. and I blame Republicans who won't stand up to this bunch second.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Republicans Now Body Slamming Reporters?

I'm sure by now everybody has heard the audio of Montana Republican Congressional candidate Greg Gianforte body-slamming Guardian journalist Ben Jacobs in Bozeman, Montana, a few hours ago.

The special election for Montana's Representative-at-large seat is tomorrow, Thursday, May 25.  Ben Jacobs wanted to ask Gianforte what he thought of the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) scoring of the Republican health care bill, also known as #TrumpDontCare.  Gianforte rewarded him for his professional persistence by grabbing "Jacobs by the neck with both hands and slam(ming) him into the ground behind him."

The Fox report continues:
Faith, Keith and I watched in disbelief as Gianforte then began punching the reporter. As Gianforte moved on top of Jacobs, he began yelling something to the effect of, "I'm sick and tired of this!"

Thursday, May 18, 2017

My "Eulogy" for Roger Alies

My "eulogy" to Roger Ailes, who died this morning, May 18, 2017:

Roger Ailes from New York Magazine

"He created Fox News based on lies and hate. He was a filthy, disgusting pig of a man. He turned people, hurting people, people who have been harmed by the anti-union, anti-labor, anti-working class policies of Republicans INTO Republicans themselves!

These people who really needed politicians who would take their side were instead deceived into thinking that uber-rich Republicans, Ailes, Lee Atwater and all of their friends, were on THEIR side. These uber-rich Republicans used the pain, the ignorance, the racism of a large number of Americans, particularly blue-collar and displaced workers, for their own benefit. They made a mockery of our democratic institutions and they brought us (ultimately) Donald Trump.

Without Ailes and his Fox News, we might actually have universal health insurance, good public schools, a lower national debt, more income and wealth equality, and a generally better quality of life in this country.

I generally don't think we should speak ill of the dead, but I make an exception for the pig Ailes.

I spit on his grave, wherever it may be."

Sunday, May 7, 2017

It is NOT TrumpCare!

Don't Call the Monstrous Bill Passed by Republicans "TrumpCare"!

It is NOT "TrumpCare."

 That infers that Trump cares... and we know that he doesn't!
He only cares about lining his pockets.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

The TrumpKillBill Passed the House

Republicans in the House just passed the TrumpKillBill:

Republican #shame .

Follow us on Facebook at Molly Middle's America


Whatever you want to call it, the TrumpNoCare Bill, the American No Health Bill, etc., it now moves on to the Senate.

Dry your tears, get strong, get tough, and move on!

Time to beat this piece of sh!t bill in the Senate and time to start working against those Republicans, especially those Republicans in moderate or purple districts, who supported this mess. (I can't wait to see how the Congressional Budget Office scores this thing.)

Time to take back the House in 2018!

Wednesday, May 3, 2017

Comey Was "Mildly Nauseous"? That's it??

James Comey, the head of the FBI, was questioned today by California Senator Dianne Feinstein at a  Senate Judiciary Committee oversight hearing. 

The topic was his decision to tell the world that new emails might have been found on former Representative Anthony Weiner's laptop computer...  just ten days before the crucial 2016 Presidential election.  

As the New York Times describes it:
(Comey)  sharply defended his rationale for notifying Congress about new emails related to the Hillary Clinton investigation less than two weeks before Election Day, saying Wednesday that any suggestion he affected the vote’s outcome made him “mildly nauseous.”

"Mildly" nauseous?  Just "mildly"?  Is this a joke? 

The image isn't very pretty, but then what is happening to our country under Trump and the Republicans is not very pretty either.

More articles on Comey's testimony today:

This last one is interesting.  Do people really not know what "nauseous" means?   Does the image of Comey with his head over a toilet for the next four years clear things up, people?

CNN's Collinson Doesn't Get It: Hillary Was Not "Vanquished!"

"Clinton, Trump can't stop airing their 2016 grievances"

The above-headlined article by CNN's Stephen Collinson was published yesterday afternoon, Tuesday, May 2nd.

That headline was annoying enough.

But it's the kind of article in which you can pick apart ALMOST every last line.  I'm not going to pick apart EVERY last line, but MANY of Collinson's lines invite retort, and that is what he is going to get.

The Victorious and the Vanquished?

Collinson started:
America has two ex-candidates, the victorious Donald Trump and the vanquished Hillary Clinton who just can't let it lie.

I felt my blood pressure rise.  Come on, Collinson, "vanquished"?  She beat Trump by three million votes, for heaven's sake!  She lost the anachronistic and gerrymandered Electoral College!
(Let's remember that the Electoral College is automatically gerrymandered.  Each Electoral College vote in California represented 260,000 Presidential voters in 2016.  Meanwhile, in Wyoming, each Electoral College vote represented a mere 85,000 Presidential voters in 2016.  That means that, if you live in Wyoming, you have three times the clout of the average California voter.  Doesn't seem that fair to me.)

"Bitter":  Wow, what a loaded, sexist word.

Collinson talks about Clinton's "bitterness".  Women are often depicted as "bitter" when they are (rightfully) really angry!  "Bitter" is not an adjective used as commonly to describe men's anger as it is used to describe women's anger.  And older women are more often described as "bitter" than younger women.  Hillary Clinton SHOULD be angry!  Isn't Collinson angry looking at what Trump is doing to this country?  If not, he should be, even if that makes him "bitter".

The Russians!  The Comey letter!

A phrase:  Collingon talks about Clinton "pointing to Russia and FBI Chief James Comey as the key drivers of her loss."  Well, YES!  While many people out there are still dissecting the election, many are completely overlooking the point that Clinton would have WON the Electoral College as well as the popular vote had the election been held two or three weeks earlier.  Clinton knows this.  

Did Collinson ever think that Hillary might just be as concerned as the rest of us about what is happening under Trump's Presidency?  That it is scary, repulsive, disturbing, and that Trump's ignorance is just plain dangerous.. not just to "bitter" Clinton but to any of us who have an ounce of sense?  Perhaps Collinson is one of those without that "ounce of sense"?

Is she "bitter" or just plain angry and scared about the future of this country that she loves.. that she obviously loves more than Trump does?  Collinson, have you spent any of the last 102 days looking at what is going on in this country?  The kinds of people that Trump has appointed; the kinds of policies that he has pushed?  Thank heavens that he is not getting his way in most court cases and with the Congress.  He is an ignorant, despicable fool who has no business in the White House.  Clinton bitter?  She knows how incompetent Trump is, just as the rest of us should, including you, Stephen Collinson. 

Deep in his Soul...

Collinson continues:
Trump, for his part, rarely lets more than a few days go by without boasting about his outsider win.  
Perhaps because Trump actually DOES realize that he didn't win the popular vote.. and it bothers the hell out of him.  

Come on, Collinson:
The President is extraordinarily touchy about the merest suggestion that his victory is not totally authentic.   
Perhaps Trump KNOWS that his victory is not authentic and we should know that as well.. even you, Collinson.  What's going to happen when the connections to the Russians actually start to come out, when we find a few smoking guns?  You don't think that Trump fears that?  

We're Not Clinton Fanbots

Collinson writes:  
Clinton has now given her supporters, many of whom believe she was cheated out of breaking the highest, hardest glass ceiling in politics, even more reasons to view Trump as illegitimate.
Clinton voters are not stupid.  The more educated the voter, the more likely the person voted for Clinton.  We're not little fanbots; we don't need Clinton to tell us what is glaringly obvious:  Trump IS illegitimate  and she WAS cheated and it is going to become more obvious as time goes by.
And the President is unlikely to take a pass at Clinton's unflattering description of his performance, including her renewal of her claim that he was unprepared for office.

Clinton's unflattering description?  We don't need Hillary Clinton to tell us that Trump was unprepared for office; that should be clear to anyone who breathes these days.

Clinton is right.

Then Collinson quotes Clinton in yesterday's interview with CNN's 
Christiane Amanpour:
I was on the way to winning until a combination of (FBI Director) Jim Comey's letter on October 28 and Russian WikiLeaks raised doubts in the minds of people who were inclined to vote for me and got scared off. 

The evidence for that intervening event is, I think, compelling, persuasive, and so we overcame a lot in the campaign...
Clinton also added that believed misogyny played a role in her defeat.

OKay, Collinson, what's wrong with that?  She's exactly right.  And I've been saying that for months now; I didn't need Clinton to tell me that, in fact, I'm glad it is becoming apparent to Clinton and a big chunk of the 65 million Americans who voted for her.

Is Clinton "goading" Trump? 

In fact, she seemed positively to be goading the President:
"If he wants to tweet about me, then I am happy to be the diversion because we have a lot of things to worry about," Clinton told Amanpour.
He should worry less about the election and my winning the popular vote than doing some other things that would be important for the country.

What else can I say to this but "Good for her!"  Go Hillary! She's completely right.  Hillary, refuse to let yourself be pigeonholed as "bitter" or a "sore loser".  

A feud with Clinton could help Trump?
Collinson continues:

A knock-down, drag-out feud with Clinton -- a political figure as polarizing as himself -- could cheer his base and rally Republicans who are still cool to him who also deplore the former secretary of state.

Deplore the former Secretary of State?  The most popular woman in the world for years?  The woman who led all of the polls for President in 2015.. before the Russians, the uber-lefties started to pile on along with the misogynists and the alt-right?  If people "deplore" her, it is in part due to the decades of propaganda and brainwashing that have been thrown against her... and then the Russians and the uber-lefties piling on.  Collinson's been writing about the White House and American politics for a few years now; he should know that.  
But blaming Comey for the loss appears to absolve Clinton of her campaign's failure to effectively counter Trump's electorally appealing message in industrialized Midwestern states that went red instead of their usual blue.
Stop with the crap about the "industrialized Midwest"

Collinson, this is bullshit, and I personally am tired of it.  She would have won if the election had been held 2-3 weeks earlier, "industrialized Midwest" or not.  She was leading in all of those states 2-3-4 weeks earlier.  The crap that she lost due to these poor, disaffected old white men is just that... crap.  Why were these people going to vote for her 2-3 weeks earlier?  She lost 3-4% in polling in the last three weeks before the election.  

If you want to talk about "character and honesty", Collinson, let's talk about Trump... 
But on the other hand, Comey's comments were related to the investigation into the private email server that Clinton set up as secretary of state, in apparent infringement of government guidelines. It was that issue and her handling of it throughout the campaign that helped revive questions about the character and honesty of the Clintons that had remained largely dormant since former President Bill Clinton left office in 2001.
Gimme a break, Collinson.  Comey talked about the private email server and never bothered to mention the ongoing investigation into Russian meddling on behalf of the Trump people.  

And "character and honesty":  What about the character and honesty of Trump?  Did you bother to look at Politifact and their Truth-o-meter, Collinson?  Hillary may have made "mistakes", but Trump was the least honest candidate in modern history.  68% of his statements have been rated as mostly false, false, or Pant-a-fire.  And, as the weeks go on, we also have seen that he is the least prepared, least knowledgeable, most corrupt President to take the oath of office.

And let's remember that a majority of the American people knew it.  They did
NOT vote for him.  He did NOT win the popular vote, and that is still important as he tries to get some kind of "agenda" enacted.

Impressing her critics?
Her performance did not impress some critics:  
So Collinson quotes that conservative chick S.E. Cupp. Well, duh, no, her performance will NOT impress conservatives, but then nothing any "liberal" or "Democrat" will do will impress conservatives.

About 2020?
"Yet its familiar faces -- Barack Obama, Sanders and now Clinton -- who appear to be attracting the most attention so far -- underlining its weak bench of up-and-comers ready for the big time."
Weak bench?  Was Bill Clinton on that "weak bench" in 1989?  Was Barack Obama on the "weak bench" in 2005?  And look at who the "weak bench" is up against:  Trump, the most idiotic, the most unpopular President in a long, long time.  So let's just wait and see.  

And Collinson, maybe it is time for you to pack your bags and go back to Britain.  

Saturday, April 29, 2017

100 Days of Trump

Thoughts on 100 Days of Trump... Inspired by a friend:

More thoughts on 100 days of Trump HERE.

Trump's First 100 Days--

Yes, this is Trump's Day 100, and we aren't in a war yet and the economy hasn't collapsed.  But don't bet your last dollar on what might happen in the next 100 days.

Friday, March 31, 2017

Democratic Senators Need to Filibuster and Vote NO on Gorsuch! (Updated Sunday, April 2)

It's one week before the Senate votes for or against a new life long Supreme Court Justice.  Do you know where your Senator is?    (Updated Sunday, April 2nd) 

Neil Gorsuch is too conservative, too right-wing to be confirmed to a lifelong appointment to the Supreme Court.

Even though Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the Republicans have threatened to change the rules and require only a majority to confirm Gorsuch (the so-called "nuclear" option) if the Democrats filibuster Gorsuch, the Democrats must stick to the filibuster and not let themselves be subject to Republican extortion.  (This article is not about why I believe that Gorsuch is not the right man for the Supreme Court; it is about the logistics needed to keep him from attaining that seat as a
lifelong associate justice.)

Action items are listed at the bottom of this article.

Sixty votes in the Senate are needed to break the filibuster.

As of Sunday afternoon, the Democrats need 5 more Senators to commit to the filibuster. 

The Republicans have a firm 52 votes for Gorsuch: therefore, they need 8 of the 48 Democratic/Independent Senators to vote with them for cloture (to end the filibuster).

Democrats voting for Gorsuch?  Why?

Now, why would any self-respecting Democratic Senator vote for the conservative right-wing Gorsuch?  Unfortunately, some Democratic Senators from some very red Republican states fear for their jobs and a few of them are up for reelection in 2018.  They may be hearing from their constituents in those very red states and they may believe they need to vote for cloture.. which is the same as voting FOR Gorsuch.  So far three Senators from very red states...  Heidi Heitkamp of North Dakota, Joe Manchin of West Virginia, and Joe Donnelly of Indiana .. have announced they will break with the Democrats/Independents and vote for Gorsuch.

The Color-Coded List:

Based on this article at CNN, here's the color-coded list of the 48 Democrats/Independents and their status on the filibuster and nomination of Gorsuch.  The list is alphabetical in order by state. The color key is based on information that was last updated by CNN on Sunday afternoon, April 2nd.  CNN plans on updating this list as information becomes available, and we will do our best to keep this color-coded list up to date.

The Key

Bright Blue:  A solid "no" on both cloture and the Gorsuch nomination itself.
Purple/Pink:  Unclear as to whether or not the Senator will vote no on both cloture and the Gorsuch nomination. (See the CNN article for specifics about each Senator.)   
Red:  Senator has announced that he/she WILL vote for cloture and vote for Gorsuch.

  • California:         Kamala Harris
                            Dianne Feinstein
  • Colorado:          Michael Bennet
  • Connecticut:     Chris Murphy
                             Richard Blumenthal
  • Delaware:          Tom Carper
                              Chris Coons
  • Florida:              Bill Nelson
  • Hawaii:               Mazie Hirono
                              Brian Schatz    
  • Illinois:               Dick Durbin
                              Tammy Duckworth
  • Indiana:              Joe Donnelly
  • Maine:                Angus King (Independent)
  • Maryland:           Ben Cardin
                               Chris Van Hollen
  • Massachusetts:   Elizabeth Warren
                               Ed Markey
  • Michigan:            Gary Peters
                               Debbie Stabenow 
  • Minnesota:          Al Franken
                               Tammy Klobuchar
  • Missouri:              Claire McCaskill
  • Montana:             Jon Tester
  • Nevada:               Catherine Cortez Masto
  • New Hampshire:  Jeanne Shaheen
                               Maggie Hassan
  • New Jersey:        Corey Booker
                               Bob Menendez 
  • New Mexico:        Martin Heinrich
                               Tom Udall
  • New York:           Chuck Shumer
                               Kirsten Gillibrand
  • North Dakota:      Heidi Heitkamp
  • Ohio:                   Sherrod Brown
  • Oregon:               Jeff Merkley
                                Ron Wyden     
  • Pennsylvania:      Bob Casey Jr.
  • Rhode Island:      Sheldon Whitehouse
                                Jack Reed
  • Vermont:              Bernie Sanders (Independent)
                                Pat Leahy 
  • Virginia:               Tim Kaine
                               Mark Warner
  • Washington:        Patty Murray
                               Maria Cantwell
  • West Virginia:     Joe Manchin
  • Wisconsin:          Tammy Baldwin 

Action Items

If your Senator is bright blue in the list above, thank them.  Our Democratic Senators (and Representatives) look pretty tired to me lately.  They need a thank you either via email, phone, or on their Facebook page.  Especially thank Tammy Baldwin of Wisconsin, Debbie Stabenow of Michigan, and Bob Casey of Pennsylvania.  Apparently these three Senators, all up for reelection in 2018, were targeted by the Republicans to vote against the filibuster as they represent states that (narrowly) voted for Donald Trump in November.  But those three held firm!  We should ALL thank them, no matter what state we are from.

If your Senator is purple/pink in the list above, you may want to link over to the CNN article to see exactly what comment he or she made about the Gorsuch nomination.  Then you may wish to contact them via email or phone and ask for a clear comment about a clear vote in favor of the filibuster and against Gorsuch.

If your Senator is red in the list above (or if you have Republican Senators), it is unclear that you should do anything other than work to turn your state more blue!  However, I really do believe that writing or calling your Senator about your opposition to Gorsuch IS important, even in a red state like West Virginia or North Dakota.


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