Wednesday, November 8, 2017

My Favorite 2017 Election Memes:

Yes, the Democrats did very well last night, especially in Virginia and in New Jersey.  

Yes, people of color, LGBTQ people, women all did great yesterday.  

Yes, I do believe that these races are a harbinger of things to come in 2018 and perhaps even in deep red Alabama next month.  (I had written that Republicans needed to be running scared after they WON several Congressional races earlier this year because they won those races by surprisingly small margins.  My prediction was right, at least last night.  And let's remember that things have only gotten worse for the Republicans under Trump since.)

So I will celebrate today with a few memes that have come across my timeline in the last few hours.  Feel free to share, as I am cross-posting all of these on my Facebook pages 
Trump Watch Today and Molly Middle's America. (And please like one or both of my pages when you stop by!)  To share from this blog, just click on the pic, download to your computer or phone, and share from there.

And maybe I will treat myself to something chocolate-y later today!  Why not?
Stolen from a Facebook friend

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