Friday, March 16, 2012

Not Everybody Likes The Road We've Traveled

The Road We've Traveled


"Dan" wrote after watching the Obama campaign film, The Road We've Traveled: 
"14 million more people of food stamps, 2.7 million more Americans unemployed, 103% rise in gas prices, $15,000 increase in each citizens share in the debt, 15.9% increase in Americans living in poverty. Folks this is nothing more than Bush III, wake up...".
Dan, it's hard to know what to say to people like you who are brainwashed and/or cynical. 

Were you living in late 2008 and early 2009? Do you remember what those days were like? Do you remember the fear as we watched the stock market fall and fall some more and as we watched those jobs numbers fall and those new claims numbers rise? 

Did you really have such high expectations for this President that you thought we'd have an 800,000 job loss one month (in January 2009) and an increase in jobs the next? I knew we wouldn't start adding back jobs for months due to the crisis that we were in. I, like many Americans, was afraid that it would be years, not months, before we had any job growth. 

Your unemployment number is wrong; I don't know where you got it, but you'd better stop using that source. Yes, the number of unemployed did go up before it came down, just as anybody with any brains expected. But now it has come down and it IS coming down, and quickly. We have FEWER people unemployed now than we did the week of February 12th, 2009, just a couple of weeks after Obama took office.

We have 2.6 million FEWER people unemployed than we did in October 2009, which was the "peak" of unemployment. We have 3,939,000 MORE private sector jobs than we did in early 2010, during the "trough" of jobs. What would you have done had you been in Obama's position? What do you think that McCain and the despicable P woman would have done? 

The situation of the economy was grave. The tone in the air in grocery stores, among friends and neighbors, was somber. The stores were empty. It was scary.

And today it is not. 

Do we still have many issues to address, including the increasing number of people who are now poverty level or approaching poverty level?  We surely do.   And, if I'm not mistaken, didn't a congressman prove that it was actually Bush who was the "food stamp President"?

What do you think the Republicans are going to do about all of those poor people?  Other than blabber on about "bootstraps" when they and the uber-rich have stolen all of those bootstraps?  

What do you think, Dan?  What's the Republican plan?  Trickle down?  More breaks for corporations?  You've got to be a bit daft if you believe that will help anything.   Fewer regulations?  Which ones would you get rid of?  Minimum wage?  Environmental laws?  Those 27 jobs bills, not one of which is really a jobs bill?      

Come on, really, Dan...  Were you such an Obama fan that you expected him to fix everything in one term?

The Road We've Traveled... so far.  With so much farther to go.

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