Saturday, August 17, 2013

The Two Parties Only Divide Us?

Many people think that there is something artificial about the divisions between the two parties. 

Many also feel that there is some kind of "conspiracy" to divide us on "petty" issues. 

"Charles", commenting on the above picture at the Teanderthal Party Facebook page, is one who doesn't believe in this "two parties" stuff:  

I'm sorry, but if anyone in here is falling for this "Left vs Right" bullshit, you've all got it wrong. The two party system divides us. A nation divided, will fall. Instead of all the "Left vs Right", why don't we, as a people, drop the party line bullshit, and start doing what is RIGHT for everyone, as a whole?

My reply to Charles:   

Yes, I do believe that we should figure out what is RIGHT for everyone. This is what I think is "right" for everyone:
  • A strong social safety net, for instance. Do you think everybody would agree that is "right" for the country? 
  • Strong gun controls. Do you think that everybody would agree that is "right" for the country? 
  • Free birth control so that only people who want children will bring them into the world. Do you think that everybody would agree that is "right" for the country? 
  • Marriage equality so that people can marry whoever they wish to marry regardless of gender. Do you think that everybody would agree that is "right" for the country? 
  • A path to citizenship for people who have been here for years without documentation. Do you think that everybody would agree that is "right" for the country?

Charles, dear, is it starting to sink in? What I think is "right" for the country is probably exactly the opposite as what significant numbers of the people feel is "right" for the country. 

The two party system divides us, Charles, because we ARE divided. I do not agree with what is good for the country with many of my neighbors, former classmates, even some family members. If they could understand my point of view and agree, then we could get rid of these silly two parties.

No, Charles, the two parties are NOT "both the same".

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