Saturday, July 14, 2012

Republicans Attempts To Repeal ObamaCare Cost the Taxpayers Millions

The Republican attempts to repeal ObamaCares may have cost this country up to 50 million dollars!

Up to 50 million dollars to keep people who have been hit financially by this Great Recession from getting access to health care?  To keep people with pre-existing conditions from getting access to health care?  To keep a lid on health insurers?  To help senior citizens with Medicare?  To provide an opportunity for people to start small businesses and/or retire early.. and still have health care?  I could go on and on about the benefits of ObamaCares.     50 million dollars to stop this?   Why does anybody out there still support these Republicans?  If you are one of these people who still supports Republicans, what are you thinking? Some comments from the video: 
  • Thousands of bills are introduced, but only 132 have been passed.  And, of those, one out of five are about naming post offices.  (Really?  Post offices?)
  • The House has been distracting itself with message bills that have had no positive impact on building jobs in America.  (Understatement of the week.)
  • 2 full work weeks on various measures to repeal ObamaCares. 
  • At 24 million dollars a week equals almost 50 million dollars.  (When I first heard this figure, I was stunned.  I could not believe it.)  
  • Time to "grow up" and work together on America's Number One priority:  Creating Jobs.  (I won't hold my breath on that one.)
  • Defeat the repeal and come back to work on a bill that will stop outsourcing.  (We can only dream.)
  • "The Middle Class is asking Republicans "Where are the jobs" and "what is their plan to stop outsourcing".  (Please, don't tell us that tax cuts are the answer AGAIN!  We know better!)
  • " "Experts" call the previous Congress (the Democratic Congress) "exceedingly productive".  Tea Party promised to crack down on government waste and abuse.  What they've done is name post office and slow the pace of government."   "Turned Congress into one of the least productive in modern history."  (I'm glad to hear this from "experts".)
  • "The Republicans have been wasting the public's time." (Well, duh.)
The final screen:
It's Time to Focus on Jobs and the Middle Class
No, both parties are NOT the same!

1 comment:

  1. OBAMACARE enhances outsourcing. Enacted in July 2010, The U.S. healthcare reform (“ObamaCare” or the “Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act”) is intended to pressure large and small employers through force and taxation. The result will show companies deciding to send customer support, sales, lead generation and appointment setting jobs offshore or risk going out of business. U.S companies can take advantage of a dedicated bilingual employee who is 100% committed to their project. ESL nearshore employees in Costa Rica are just as or more effective than transitional in-house employees. In addition, giving the business the freedom to scale up their offshore staff strength without getting caught in the Obamacare challenge in 2014.


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